Love your In-Law's

The night had come for me to meet a couple of my in-laws. My husband's parent's are divorced, so I was to meet Jacob's only brother and his mother. We had arranged to meet at Applebee's. I dressed up semi-nicely and wondered what kind of future mother-in-law I might have. I was relieved as the sweetest looking woman stood up to hug her missed son. As we bonded over artichoke dip, I quickly realized that I was going to marry into a wonderful family. 

A few years later I know Jacob's immediate family and grandparents (whom he lived with growing up) a whole lot better than back then. I am blessed with wonderful in-laws.
However, I realized quickly that we didn't see eye to eye on everything. Have you ever been put in a situation when you had to choose between siding with your parent's or your husband or the other way around? It's tricky. Our whole lives we grow up learning to listen to our parents and then suddenly you get married and it is vital to be completely on your spouses side when it comes to in-laws. I remember a time when my mother-in-law said something completely against what I strongly believed to be right for our marriage. It was a pivotal moment when my husband and I prayerfully counseled together and came up with our own decision. This action showed me that no matter what our parents say, we can discover our own path. 
Although my parent's can sometime get under my husbands skin a little or his under mine, we love the family bonds that we have been able to create through our marriage with one another. 
I loved one of the prompts given for this blog which stated that, "When a couple gets married the’s way they build eternal relationships—relationships that will never end. If we and extended family are true to temple covenants, not only will the husband/wife relationship be eternal, but our ties with extended family and in-laws will be as well."
Remembering this principal makes it so much easier to shrug off any hurt feelings and love my in-laws the way I did when I first met them. I know that we really can be together with our loved ones forever.

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